Remembering the Empty Coolamons is a ritual process held within a sacred space in memory of the Stolen Generations of Australia and their families.  The inaugural performance of this work was held in the Atrium, Federation Square Melbourne on the 27th May 2017.  It has since been performed another three times. Two performances are scheduled in 2019.

Thank you to all who participated in the creation of this ritual process. 

Remembering the Empty Coolamons. 27th May. 2017. Photographer Gary Chan.

Remembering the Empty Coolamons. 27th May. 2017. Photographer Gary Chan.

Rememering the Empty Coolamons. 27th May 2017. Photographer Leo Dale.

Rememering the Empty Coolamons. 27th May 2017. Photographer Leo Dale.

Reflections from people about this ritual process. 

Absolutely loved the process, the feeling of the day; the meaning of the coolamon; presenting the finished coolamon to Robbie and the gestalt of everyone's work. 

Thank you, and sorry, even if sorry is not enough xx.

Thank you for holding sacred space, with the healing intention of your Empty Coolamon ritual process.
I came upon the sacred space, by coincidence when visiting Melbourne with my son yesterday, where I was drawn into the Atrium to 'have a look' at the building... I had no idea of your presence there, nor your intention with the ritual, however it's potency quickly filtered through to me; and the remembering will remain.
On behalf of the many Australians who care to remember and invoke healing for these and similar times, bless you and thank you for your creative works.

Thanks for helping to bring the children (this child) home !

I felt so privileged to be there on Saturday morning. It was an amazing experience and has been on my mind ever since. I spent some time Sunday explaining to my partner (who is from Jordan) some of the history as best I know it. The energy you created was powerful, full of sadness, acknowledgement and hope. Thank you Robbie for all that you do.

Thank you so very much for sending us an invitation to be here and to take part. It has meant more to us both then you could every imagine. 

Australian Association of Family Therapy Conference. Sydney 2018. Photographer Juan Pirata

Australian Association of Family Therapy Conference. Sydney 2018. Photographer Juan Pirata

Australian Association of Family Therapy conference. Sydney. 2018. Photographer Juan Pirata.

Australian Association of Family Therapy conference. Sydney. 2018. Photographer Juan Pirata.

Australian Association of Family Therapy conference. Sydney 2018. Photographer Juan Pirata.

Australian Association of Family Therapy conference. Sydney 2018. Photographer Juan Pirata.

Australian Association of Family Therapy. Sydney 2018. Photographer Juan Pirata.

Australian Association of Family Therapy. Sydney 2018. Photographer Juan Pirata.

Firbank Grammar.  Reconciliation Week 2019. Over 400 staff and students participated in this performance of Remembering the Empty Coolamons.

Firbank Grammar. Reconciliation Week 2019. Over 400 staff and students participated in this performance of Remembering the Empty Coolamons.

Australian Association of Family Therapy Conference. Melbourne 2019.